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Welcome to Human Design in the Wild

If you’re unaware, I recently went through a rebrand to shift the focus of my business from supporting network marketers to supporting parents in their personal, family, and business development. 


My mission is to give parents the language and tools to effectively advocate for their children through developing a deep understanding of the child’s unique needs. Through building awareness of their child’s unique design, they can create supportive environments at home and school that meet their child where they’re at. I do this through utilizing the tools of Human Design, Gene Keys, body awareness, nervous system regulation and 20+ years of experience in the education system as a parent, teacher and tutor. 


In this blog I’ll be sharing true stories about my family and how I integrate Human Design into my parenting, which I’m calling, “Human Design in the Wild.” I’ll also be sharing insights from my own inner child healing, which is an important aspect of being the best mother I can be for my kids in my monthly newsletter, which you can subscribe to receive it sent straight to your inbox when it drops each month. The newsletter will also include resources and tools that are helping me in my life, family, and career - all through the lens of Human Design, so subscribe now!



In this week's episode of Human Design in the Wild.....


Right now I have two college aged daughters and two middle school boys so you’ll never know what you’re going to get in this section of the newsletter.


This time I’d love to share about a really rad convo I had with my 20 year old daughter. Being the oldest child I have to shamelessly share that she has experienced the most of all of my other children. The most “conditioning” as she was born when I was knee deep in raising her in a very strict, fundamentalist way. She’s seen every iteration of my evolution as a human and a parent. So when I have a chance to speak hope, guidance, and love over her with my new set of Human Design tools I take it and she is at a stage where she is a willing listener when I do. 


She just put her two weeks notice in for her first job in Corporate America. Her body has been telling her it wasn’t a good fit for awhile and with our upcoming family vacation that was the “excuse” she needed to be complete. 


As I’ve been looking more closely at my children’s designs I realized she has an Undefined G Center. This is the center that dictates your sense of self, your sense of identity, and the direction your life moves in. When it is UNDEFINED you have special “permission” to work different jobs - in fact - that  can be a HEALTHY choice for you. To gather a variety of experiences as you move through life. So I share this with her and reminded her that as an Emotional Generator she has ALL THE PERMISSION to find jobs that not only FEEL good to be in but are also deeply satisfying and energizing. 


This convo took less than 5 minutes but I KNOW it will be impactful for the rest of her life. 


If you would like to learn more about the unique dynamics of your family, book a Family Dynamics Reading with me! 


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