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Live Laugh Love - Gate 30 Vibes

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2024

It's my Birthday energy! From Feb 13-Feb 20 you too have an opportunity to observe yourself and the stories you tell yourself about how your life is going. Do you embrace each joy AND hardship with lightness and laughter? I do not always choose this if I'm being honest. But I have learned enough along the way that the choice IS mine. I do not have control of what happens to me but I have 100% control of how I respond to it. This is a reminder to walk lightly. Choose laughter. Know that life is designed to be experienced and lived fully - the good and the bad. Each experience is uniquely designed to equip us to live and learn and then share the highest and healthiest version of our experiences with others so they too can learn from our stories and experiences.  Sending you love on this Valentines Day! Remember to LIVE, LOVE, and LAUGH! 


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