I am AMAZED at what is being created in this time after the pandemic. I am AMAZED at the courageous choices people are making post pandemic.
I am designed to get my opportunities from my network of friends and I am also designed to connect my network of friends to opportunities! So consider this your invitation (another aspect of my design) to join me for the next 100 days to WAKE UP and create a life you love.
My friend Lindsey Teague Moreno wrote a book during the "World Reset" called Wake Up - I was honored to read it during the Reset and was also honored to be mentioned in it as well. The basic premise of this book is to get curious about your life and then get honest about what one (or two or three) things would move you forward into living your life at the next level. Then once you choose that thing - you commit to making forward action for 100 days and just WATCH WHAT HAPPENS! I have experienced FIRST HAND the celebration, success, and satisfaction...
Friends! I run a kick ass Network Marketing Business. HA! I said it! I have been downplaying that for close to 5 years. I never wanted to be pushy or tacky or lose my people over it so I played small and sometimes even hid it. I woke up a couple of months ago and realized…I have NOTHING to be ashamed of.
*These oils and products have empowered me to make lasting change in my life and my family’s life. I can literally address 99.9% of the concerns in my house: be they mental, emotional, or physical.
*I am empowering others to do the same! Just this month (September 2018) My team has helped 232 people take ownership of their wellness and the month isn’t even over (As a whole we are at 3,949 members)!
*The financial blessings that Young Living has provided is nothing to be ashamed of either! Which leads me to a HUGE announcement I’d like to make…WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!! (It is absolutely beautiful! It has fireplaces and a HUGE tub and the office has the...
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